Saturday, April 24

比赛。。KL State Drill,Singing and Dancing...

比赛已过。。结果令我感到十分失望,也不能怪参赛者,虽然没赢到,但不代表我们输了,因为还有下一次,有几位参赛者对我说:‘’你们 form 5应该参与,毕竟你们经验比我们多‘’。。也许他说的对,但已太迟。。。For Drill Team...i believe you all did your very best, because as the host of this event, we run through a lot of things like, morning we had a short performance for primary sports day,then afternoon you guys run through last and last last last practice, and we head to band practices again, is really tiring! even me myself break through my chain to last till end of the day..

beside that, you guys also help to setup the place, prepare the refreshment drinks, all these are done by us, don't worry guys we already showed them what are we, it over...我们只好向前看..

For Dancing Team, you guys also did a very VERY good show on the stage..i really impress by you guys did this ''street dance'' within 3month result, is not you guys lose, to me is the judge problem, it quite unfair to let own inner state people to judge us, because YOU AS A JUDGE also not a DANCER!...and what he/she said...definite hip-hop*...oh well just because his/her team is doing Hip-hop so you can't judge the same thing with the difference of Hip-Hop and Street what the judge said is Holy Crap! anyway we shall see in Pesta...let them take away the champion in state..we still heading to National Pesta in June! Show them what are we!

and the costume can be more better, haha maybe is looks too simple...

Hey Singing Team( i am involved)...i myself really didn't did my very best...and i guess is everyone is tiring for the whole day event flow, but you guys still make it..yeah!, i believe we

still can improve more with the commitment is being EXCELLENT!...i hope we can do it,

anyway we are just showing appetizer, we are letting them taste our dessert in Pesta! muahahahaa, so don't worry, let them take the STATE CHAMPION and we TAKE OUR NATIONAL PESTA SINGING AND DANCING CHAMPION!

Well done guys!

Saturday, April 3


请不要把迟钝作为借口。。。是你学习态度的问题,不明白就问,我反问你是因为我要确定你有在听,不是在发日梦,不要拒绝senior 的忠告,也不要把忠告作为开玩笑,不是我针对你所以骂你,如果我不骂,你有在听吗?我承认骂你会是我们的沟通,你在 band 三年了,不要把教你的负责推给我,我已经教了又教,这3年你还是没进步,是我的错?你以为你有给我钱教?我们senior 各各都有教你,是你自己没练习,也是我的错?教了你,明不明白你自己在一旁自言自语,我不知你是在讲我的是非。。这种态度你可以给学校老师看,你以为学校老师会因为你而停留一样的一课?那senior 不是烦死?不烦死都气死。。
你要玩snare...有梦想。。又不买stick,你以为所有的东西是免费?要成功就要付出代价啦。。还有, 不要创建您自己的故事,我根本没骂过你笨蛋还是耳聋。。而且你还说我上个星期骂的。。。你做梦啦。。我上个星期骂都没骂过。是不是其他人骂你,你就想把那人骂你当作是我?少来。。你要我不骂你好。。。我决定放弃你做为 percussion 的 junior, 你认为你够本事,当我走了你才发挥你的潜能,我放长双眼看 brass section 可以忍受。。当时候你一定又怪我们没教好你。。。